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The IADC Alumni Association is a non-profit organization made up of IADC graduates, advisors, and students. Its main objective is to enhance the alumni network and provide ongoing support for the college’s mission. Additionally, feedback from our graduates is essential to ensure that the knowledge gained from the program meets the professional needs of the students.

The College supports the creation of National Alumni Chapters that facilitate a continuous learning process and permanent partnership between graduates and the IADC.


Former Alumni Association President

Coronel Fábio Alves da Costa, Brasil

The Inter-American Defense College is a 62-year-old institution with a great international recognition and full of traditions. We have Graduates from roughly all the countries of the Americas, among them military, police, diplomats, judges, women and men.

The IADC is a unique organization in our hemisphere, since one of its greatest characteristics is to have four official languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. We are a formidable mix of cultures. This characteristic allows us to carry forward the project of having a great network of cooperation and collaboration in our continent to face the immense multidimensional challenges of today’s world.

I believe we have many challenges for the future as we live in an increasingly globalized world. Distances are getting smaller and the internet enables communication to happen. Therefore, I understand that Alumni can take advantage of such modern tools, and the global and hemispheric context to strengthen our ties, looking to the side and understanding the needs of one another. We are here for you! Count on us! I hope to see you soon.

With the greatest esteem and respect.

O Colégio Interamericano de Defesa é uma instituição com 62 anos de história, com um grande reconhecimento internacional e repleto de tradições. Temos Graduados de praticamente todos os países das Américas, dentre eles militares, policiais, diplomáticos, juízes, entre mulheres e homens.

O CID é uma organização única em nosso hemisfério, pois uma das suas maiores características é possuir quatro idiomas oficiais: o inglês, o espanhol, o português e o francês. Somos um formidável “mix” de culturas. Esta característica permite que levemos adiante o projeto de possuirmos uma grande rede de cooperação e colaboração em nosso continente para fazer frente aos imensos desafios multidimensionais do mundo atual.

Considero que temos muitos desafios para o futuro, já que vivemos em um mundo cada vez mais globalizado. As distâncias estão cada vez menores e a rede mundial de computadores facilita as comunicações entre todos. Desta forma, entendo que os Alumni podem aproveitar as modernas ferramentas, o contexto mundial e hemisférico para fortalecer nossos laços, olhando para o lado e compreendendo as necessidades de cada um. Aqui estamos! Contem conosco!

Espero vê-los o mais cedo possível.

Saúde e sucesso!

For IADC graduates seeking more information, please email:
Joanna Esty, IADCF Vice President and Director for Alumni Relations
Cnel. Aldo Victoria (Mexican Army), IADC Alumni Liaison Officer