Mrs. Shannon Heitkamp
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Mrs. Shannon Heitkamp

Executive Director
Inter-American Defense College Foundation
Fort Lesley J. McNair,
Washington D.C.

As Executive Director, Shannon Heitkamp leads and manages the Inter-American Defense College Foundation at Fort McNair, DC. In this role, she oversees operations, finances, programs, staff, and volunteers. She is also critical in driving strategic planning, fundraising, and stakeholder relationships to best support the IADC’s program.

Shannon Heitkamp is a retired US Army officer, mother of four, and wife of MG Richard Heitkamp who currently serves as Commandant and Director of the IADC. She was born and raised in Eastern Iowa and following graduation from the University of Northern Iowa was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the US Army Air Defense Artillery. Shannon deployed twice with her Patriot missile units to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom during the invasion of Iraq.

Shannon later transitioned from Air Defense Artillery to the Army’s Information Operations program where she deployed back to Iraq as a Military Deception and Special Programs Officer for the Commander of Multinational Forces Iraq. Unfortunately, near the end of this tour, she became seriously ill and required medical evacuation to Germany and once stabilized, back to the US. Medical officials diagnosed her with a degenerative brain disease and autoimmune conditions that ended her career and necessitated a medical retirement.

This sudden life change was not easy, however, Shannon embraced it as an amazing opportunity to spend more time supporting Richard in his military career and helping the service members and families under his charge. This now extends to the students, staff, and faculty of the College.

The most precious gift that came with her unplanned retirement was the opportunity to be fully present for their four children as they grew up and went out into the world. Analiese is serving in the Air Force as a Respiratory Therapist on a Critical Care Air Transport Team assigned to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany. Gretchen is pursuing a degree in healthcare at the University of Colorado at Denver. Allison is also serving in the Air Force as a Dental Assistant at Travis Air Force Base, California. Their son Douglas is a senior and plans to attend George Mason University after graduation.

In addition to her work at the Foundation, Shannon is Senior Advisor to the IADC’s spouse group, the Circle of Friends, the International Chair of the Army Spouses’ Club of the Greater Washington Area, and a proud member of the US Army Engineer Spouse Club. Essayons!

Shannon was awarded the Artillery Regiment’s Order of Molly Pitcher, the Army Engineer Association’s Essayons Award, the Bronze Star Medal, and the Superior Public Service Medal from the Secretary of the Army. Shannon enjoys running, gardening, and hosting family and friends visiting DC.

The IADCF’s Board of Directors

Ricardo Vanella


Joanna Esty


Virgilio Reyes


Mariela Cardona


William J. Walker


Julio Hang


Carl Freeman


Executive Director

Shannon Heitkamp


Founding Members

Emilio T. Gonzalez
Richard L. Millett
Salvador Briceno

Former Presidents

Emilio T. Gonzalez

2004 – 2008

Joanna Esty

2009 – 2013

Margaret Daly Hayes

2014 – 2023

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